Video of the Day: Limbeck plays at Waffle House

Limbeck is one of my favorite bands that no one seems to know about.  Even though they haven’t released a new album since 2007’s very good “Limbeck,” I find myself listening to their material on repeat (especially during the warm weather months). 

Below is a video I discovered due to a RT by the @Limbeck twitterfeed.  With a mixture of great banter and pure joy, they are just enjoyable to watch and listen to. And who doesn’t love Waffle House?

Twitter-Mania, Euphonie Style

Twitter is sweeping the nation! Some love it. Some hate it. Some just don’t get it. But the truth is every one seems to be talking about it. Me myself, I am an avid twitter follower and updater. I love the constant connection with friends and famous “friends” and the fact that you can be tuned in to their musings at all times. I find enjoyment in each tweet, no matter how random. Actually, the more random the better! Here is a list of some of my favorite “famous” twitters for your consideration. Enjoy!

Rob Thomas (@ThisIsRobThomas) has been filling up my twitter page these days. Through his random musings, I feel as if I am intimately acquainted with the Matchbox 20 front-man. From the political (commenting on the Sonia Sotomeyor justice nomination) to the mundane (spending time with his wife, Mari) to the “rock star” (getting interviewed and photographed by Rolling Stone), Thomas covers the spectrum. Even if you don’t like Matchbox 20, you have to appreciate his ability to stay personable to all 48,000 of his followers.

Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) is one of my favorite parts of the “I Love The…” series. In his twitter, he tweets about his family, mostly. But each entry is funnier than the last one. HIs self deprecation-filled brand of humor is what makes him so enjoyable, as well as such movies as “Wet Hot American Summer” and involvement with “The State.” For example, who can’t not laugh at this sample tweet: “Khakis are to cool pants what math students are to cool people.” It is a daily dose of the M.I.B. we have all come to love.

Jon Cheese (@JonCheese) is an unknown name to most, but to me he is the most beloved member of Limbeck. Most of his recent tweets have been regarding several nights out on the town that ended up with hangovers and complaining. One night he updated 4 times in a 20 minute period, all with the same message: something along the lines of “i’m a drunk idiot.” Who can’t relate to that? In addition to booze-fueled entries, he also talks about missing the road, riding the greyhound bus with all “the crazies” and his addiction to “I’m On A Boat.” Don’t you just want to be his real-life friend? Because I most definitely do!

John Mayer (@JohnCMayer) is a constant updater. If you think he is a pretentious and overindulged asshole, like some people do, do not subscribe to his twitter. His twitter is really just another manifestation of how into himself he is (by my count, it is in a good way of course). He talks about the Titanic, song-writing, current events and family (several entries include the @carlmayer tag). He is incredibly random. There is almost no filter. It is great – just great fun.

Ezra Koening (@arzE), from Vampire Weekend, runs a twitter that is sparse but has the potential for daily witticisms. Like this May 29th tweet: “faux-accent Friday! today I’m from New Hampshire.” He is as New York-centric as any Ivy League New Yorker, as displayed in this May 21st entry: “At my cousin dan’s graduation from St. Jude’s. Can’t stand the UES. so much pretension and backstabbing.” Funny. Keep it coming, Ezra.

Other Notable Twitters:
Colin Meloy, of The Decemberists: @ColinMeloy
John Roderick, of The Long Winters: @JohnRoderick
Jim Gaffigan: @JimGaffigan
Ingrid Michaelson: @IngridMusic
Justin Timberlake: @JTimberlake
Matt Pond PA: @mattpondpa
Dr. Tobias Funke: @DrTobiasFunke

On a related note, I was extremely disappointed by the twitter of Real Housewife of NYC Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny). I expected it to be filled with musings in line with the persona she presented through the two seasons of RHWONYC. But instead, she just updates you on the going-ons in her life, from to her book signings to upcoming magazine interviews. Booooring Bethenny, real boring.

Also check out the twitters of your favorite fantastic bloggers Allie (@allie_roth) & Jenna (@mostunsavory). Follow us! And we’ll follow you.

List: 5 Winter to Spring Trade-ins

Spring has arrived! (At least for now). It is time to put away the wool sweaters and take some light blazers out of storage. It is time to trade the fuzzy ugg boots for converse sneakers and ballet flats. It is time to bust out the sunglasses and the straw bags and, in due time, the bathing suits and flip flops.

In addition the many wardrobe changes associated with the beginning of over-50 degree weather, I find that when the first spurt of spring arrives so begins a shift away on my recently-played list. I exchange my Ray Lamontagne and Fleet Foxes records for something more whimsical and light, like a Camera Obscura or a Noah and the Whale.

So in honor of that, I have complied a list of some spring “trade-ins” – meaning replacements for those bands that really only fit into the cold blustery days. Bust out your sunglasses, it is going to get bright in here…

From Fleet Foxes to Noah and the Whale
Fleet Foxes is one of my favorite “mountain-y” bands, as I have stated before. The fact that their sound emits certain ‘snow covered mountain’ imagery is unmistakable. So when the sun is out and the snow has melted, trade in your Fleet Foxes for your Noah and the Whale. NATW is pure joy and features ukulele, piano and clapping. Like Fleet Foxes, NATW has choruses and verses of enchanting harmonies. “Five Years Time” even has whistling! Delightful!
From Joshua Radin to Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers
Both of these male singer-songwriters have a certain amount of mainstream charm but have been largely unable to cash in. Radin, on one hand, is the perfect fall/winter artist. He even has a song named “Winter.” His vocals are quiet, yet powerful. Kellogg is a lighter version. Even though he is from Massachusetts, there is a certain degree of Southern twang in his voice. He is a great lyricist who departs wisdom on his listeners. He captures how it feels to be young and innocent in songs like “Summer” and “Blue Jean.” “Milwaukee” (from 2007’s “Glassjaw Boxer”) is all about growing up and dealing with the changes of life. Throughout the song he repeats “I guess I learned that too” as a response to all of the experiences that occurred in his young years.

From Interpol to Spoon
One of the major characteristics of “spring” bands for me is the use of lighter instruments, like ukuleles, tambourines and percussion shakers. In creating their own signature style, Spoon utilizes these tools. 2007’s “Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga” is an excellent example. It includes Britt Daniel’s charming vocal style and melodies. “Don’t You Evah” and “Rhthm and Soul” both feature light drums and could be inserted into any road trip mix cd.
From The Frames to The Long Winters
Glen Hasnard, front man of The Frames, has a strong presence and a stronger sense of how to construct interesting lyrics. John Roderick, the front man of The Long Winters, also shares this talent. The Frames are much heavier than The Long Winters and that is why TLW are one of my favorite spring band replacements. The acoustic nature of many of their songs lend themselves to a feeling of airy goodness. One song, “Hindsight,” wonders what happens when the snow melts: will things be the same? Of course, TLW use some electric guitars (“Rich Wife,” “New Girl,” and others) but Roderick’s vocals, harmonies and acoustic sounds are the most noticeable. Overall, when listening to this band, you will imagine open fields and crave the sunshine.

From Ryan Adams toLimbeck

Limbeck is one of these bands that I believe more people should know about. Hailing from Orange County, California, they are an alt-country rock band whose influences include The Beach Boys, The Replacements and Old 97s (according to their wikipedia page). The great part about Limbeck is the way they play – with pure enjoyment. Their songs are geographically aware and touch upon experiences that are incredibly universal – like hanging out with friends, trying to decide what to do (“Everyone’s in the Parking Lot”), feeling frustrated (“Trouble”) and being home (“Let Me Come Home”). Their use of tambourines and hand claps is unmistakably interesting. “Honk and Wave,” one of their best tracks, is kind of about a road trip and kind of about a broken heart. The version on “Hey, Everything’s Fine” (an acoustic/live recording of the songs found on 2003’s “Hi, Everything’s Great) features banter and hand claps. It is as if the band is reliving the experience via a sing-along with all of their fans and friends.